Sunday, February 7, 2010

****SUPERBOWL 2010****

We had a Superbowl party at my house with my family. We ordered pizza, got some drinks & snacks. Davey came to town to hang out but he ended up having to work on my car so he didnt get a chance to hang out and watch it with us, but i made sure i recorded it so he can watch it when he gets home. Anyways, we were all rooting for The Saints except for my sister and my nephew. We painted our faces and watched the game. It was soooo much fun. I can't wait for next year!
All of us

Bubbs and Olivia

Me and Monica

My kids

Had to do the Al Bundy pose! haha.

All the kiddos

So cute

Crying cuz she rooted for the team that lost! LOL.

Christmas Day at The North house~

Our house was so crazy Christmas morning!(as it always is) We had to get Mando from my parents house that morning and we had to be at Chris' house by 9. So it was a hectic morning but the kids liked their presents and had a good time.